Minggu, 18 November 2007


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia, membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk ikut bergabung sebagai PNS di lingkungan Departemen Agama baik pusat maupun daerah

Persyaratan mengenai CPNS di Departemen Agama dapat dilihat pada link berikut

Persyaratan Depag

lowongan CPNS Departemen Agama meliputi

Silahkan download masing 2 persyaratan pada alokasi dengan mengklik alokasi CPNS di lingkungan Departemen Agama diatas, atau dapat juga melalui home page Depag RI

Sabtu, 17 November 2007

Lowongan Project Admin di PT Berca Hardayaperkasa

PT Berca Hardayaperkasa is a leading provider of Information Technology, Telecom and Measurement solutions in Indonesia. It has a proven track record in training and implementing Banking Solutions from Delivery Channels, Core Banking System, Business Intelligence or Departmental Solutions. BHp is also supported by world-class principals and continues to excel in providing efficient IT and T&M solutions, from hardware system to total solutions, to over 350 corporations in various industries nationwide.

Essential Function:
You are responsible to provide administration support for IT project in customer such: project timetable, resources allocation, business letter, petty cash, etc.

Required Knowledge and skill:
o Female, minimum S1 degree
o Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
o Computer Literate : Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms Power Point, Lotus Notes
o Fluent in English both written and spoken

Please send your application enclosed with curriculum vitae and recent photograph to:

HRD Department - PT Berca Hardayaperkasa

or by email to:


Please mark the position code "PA" in the subject box of your email

Rabu, 14 November 2007


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Our current vacancies information :

1. Account Officer for Corporate & Merchant Banking (Code : AOCMB)

* Have minimum 3 years experiences in Financial Institutions/ Banking, preferably in Corporate/ Merchant Banking or Investment Banking
* Have broad network and customer based
* Bachelor degree from reputable university
* Maximum 35 years old
* Proficient in English (written & oral)
* Attractive, have proffesional appearance and good communication skill

2. Learning Development Manager

* Have minimum 5 years experiences in training and development, preferably from banking industry
* Have good knowledge and excellent track record in designing and developing training program
* Minimum post graduate degree form reputable university
* Proficient in English (written & oral) with minimum TOEFL score 550
* Creative and Innovative
* Good appearance and proffesionalism

3. Account Officer for Business/Commercial Banking (Code : AOBB)

* Responsible for increasing business/commercial lending portfolio and fee based income through initiating new customer and developing existing customer, and also maintaining accounts related to daily transactions
* Maximum 35 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university
* Has minimum 2 years experiences (in similar positions) preferably from banking or financial industry
* Has good understanding of business/commerial lending model for various industry, and has good analysis in credit structure
* Fluent in English (oral & written), speak Mandarin & Hokkian is an advantage
* Good leadership, innovative and has established network related to the job functions
* Strong ability in selling & negotiation
* Willing to be located in area : Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah & DIY, Jawa Timur

4. Account Officer for Corporate & Merchant Banking (Code : AOCM)

* Responsible for developing scheme, and selling corporate & merchant banking products, and also maintaining accounts (syndication, corporate finance and agency)
* Maximum 35 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university
* Has minimum 2 years experiences (in similar positions) preferably from banking or financial industry
* Familiar with corporate & merchant banking products including corporate finance product, syndication & agency (for : AOCM)
* Computer literate (MS Office)
* Good leadership, innovative and has established network related to the job functions
* Fluent in English (oral & written)
* Strong ability in selling & negotiation

5. Forex Dealer (Code : FD)

* Responsible for dealing with customer in daily foreign exchange transaction as well as managing position and providing price
* Maximum 35 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university
* Has minimum 2 years experiences (in similar positions) preferably from banking or financial industry
* Has good understanding of treasury product and technical analysis in Forex (for : FD & TS)
* Fluent in English (oral & written), speak Mandarin & Hokkian is an advantage (for : FD, TS, AOBB)
* Computer literate (MS Office)
* Good leadership, innovative and has established network related to the job functions
* Strong ability in selling & negotiation
* Willing to be located in area : Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Denpasar (for : FD & TS)

6. Treasury Sales Officer (Code : TS)

* Responsible for selling treasury products through initiating new customer or developing existing customer (corporate, commercial and retail/individual)
* Maximum 35 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university
* Has minimum 2 years experiences (in similar positions) preferably from banking or financial industry
* Has good understanding of treasury product and technical analysis in Forex (for : FD & TS)
* Fluent in English (oral & written), speak Mandarin & Hokkian is an advantage (for : FD, TS, AOBB)
* Computer literate (MS Office)
* Good leadership, innovative and has established network related to the job functions
* Strong ability in selling & negotiation
* Willing to be located in area : Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Denpasar (for : FD & TS)

Send your CV with copies of educational certificates and passports size photograph to:

Recruitment & Assessment Division - HR Management Group

PT Bank Niaga Tbk

Jl. Wahid Hasyim Blok B4 No. 3

Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7 Tangerang 15224
or email to: recruitment@bniaga.co.id

Sabtu, 10 November 2007


As the leading Food Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company, Nestlé has for the past 140 years produced the best products with a passion for excellence in food safety and quality. We are committed to these ideals and value the trust given to us by our consumers worldwide.

If you share the same passion for excellence we invite people with professional knowledge, personal integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoy facing challenges in a dynamic organization, to join us as:


Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Build up and maintain factory specific expertise on materials, processing, products and packaging
2. Work on new packaging or product developments and drive process operational excellence on a cross-functional level
3. Work on continues improvement in production area related with product and packaging together with other function / CI Engineer
4. Quality, Safety, Health & Environment awareness
5. Perform trials for new product or new alternative packaging materials
6. Support implementation of new product and packaging concepts
7. Update and revise raw / packaging specifications with approval from HO and manages the factory packaging specification system
8. Technical support for processing and filling & packing operations
9. Technical product/packaging contact for factory QA

With the requirement as follows:

1. A Degree Holder (S1) in Food Technology, Industrial Technology, Chemistry or related subject
2. 2 – 3 years experienced in operation / packaging / MSD / Food Technology / Product Technology
3. Good Leadership and management skills
4. Innovative and self-motivated
5. Team oriented with excellent communication skills

Interested applicants, please send your CV and recent photograph, by indicating the position code in the subject of your email to :

Only the qualified candidate will be granted for an interview.

Kamis, 08 November 2007

Lowongan CPNS Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika 2007

Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Nomor : 538 /SJ.2/KOMINFO/11/2007

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika, untuk formasi tahun 2007 memberi kesempatan kepada warga negara Indonesia untuk mengikuti seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS), sebagai berikut :


a. Pendaftaran lamaran hanya dapat dilakukan melalui website Departemen Komunikasi
dan Informatika www.depkominfo.go.id mulai tanggal 5 sampai dengan tanggal 12 Nopember 2007 jam 24.00 WIB.
b. Sebagai bukti pendaftaran pelamar harus mencetak bukti pendaftaran (registrasi).
c. Pelamar hanya dapat mendaftar pada 1(satu) formasi jabatan dan di 1(satu) lokasi wilayah tes.
d. Pelamar yang dapat mengikuti tes tertulis adalah pelamar yang telah masuk dalam registrasi pendaftaran on line dan telah mengirim berkas lamaran serta diterima oleh panitia dari sejak tanggal diumumkan.
e. Informasi pendaftaran juga dapat dilihat di papan pengumuman Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika yang ditunjuk yaitu :

- Jakarta : Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika
Pusat Pelayanan Informasi
Gedung Belakang Lantai Dasar
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 9 Jakarta Pusat
Kode Pos 10110

- Yogyakarta : Pendidikan dan Latihan Ahli Multimedia Yogyakarta
Jalan Magelang KM 6 Yogyakarta
Kode Pos 55284

- Medan : Balai Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Informasi (BPPI)Medan
Jalan Tombak 31A Medan
Kode Pos 20222

- Makassar : Balai Monitor Kelas II Makassar Ditjen Postel
Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika
Jalan Raya Malino KM 18 Borongloe Kab. Gowa
Sulawesi Selatan
Kode Pos 92172

- Denpasar : Balai Monitor Kelas II Denpasar Ditjen Postel
Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika
Jalan Kamboja Desa Denkayu Kec. Mengwi
Kabupaten Badung Bali
Kode Pos 80351

- Balikpapan : Loka Monitor Balikpapan Ditjen Postel
Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika
Jalan Abdi Praja I Kel. Sepinggan Balikpapan
Kalimantan Timur
Kode Pos 76115


a. Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun, maksimal :
? 30 tahun untuk S-1, S-2, D-4;
? 28 tahun untuk D-3;
? 26 tahun untuk SMK/STM Elektro;
pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2007.
b. Berijasah S-1, S-2, D-4, dan D3 atau yang disetarakan, baik dari lulusan perguruan tinggi negeri maupun perguruan tinggi swasta yang telah terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditas Nasional (BAN) dengan indek prestasi minimal 2.75;
c. Diutamakan yang memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang dibuktikan dengan sertifikat /TOEFL dan dapat mengoperasikan program komputer untuk tingkat pendidikan D-3, D-4, S-1 dan S2;
d. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap ;
e. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS;
f. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai calon/pegawai negeri;
g. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
h. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.


Bagi pelamar yang telah melakukan pendaftaran pada website Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika www.depkominfo.go.id atau cpns.depkominfo.go.id dan telah mencetak bukti pendaftaran (registrasi) harus mengirimkan kelengkapan administrasi sebagai bahan verifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Lamaran ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam dan dibubuhkan materai Rp. 6000, di tujukan kepada Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Up Ketua Panitia Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika dengan mencantumkan nama jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dilamar;

2. Fotocopy dan transkip ijazah terakhir yang dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang;
3. Fotocopy surat keterangan pengalaman kerja bagi yang sebelumnya memiliki pengalaman kerja;
4. Surat keterangan berbadan sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika/psikotropika, dan zat adiktif lainnya dari dokter pemerintah;
5. Pas foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 3 X 4 sebanyak 2 lembar dengan mencantumkan nama dibalik foto;
6. Tanda bukti pendaftaran / registrasi (print out).
7. Lamaran dan berkas lainnya dimasukkan kedalam stof map dengan warna map sebagai berikut : SMK/STM Elektro: kuning, D-3 : hijau, S1,S2: merah, dimasukkan dalam amplop pada pojok kiri atas ditulis nama jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dilamar.

Catatan Khusus

Dalam proses seleksi administrasi panitia akan memberlakukan sistem rangking berdasarkan nilai IPK tertinggi dan kompetensi lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan jabatan yang dibutuhkan untuk menentukan jumlah peserta ujian apabila jumlah pelamar melebihi jumlah peserta ujian yang ditentukan.


Berkas lamaran disampaikan selambat-lambatnya 8 (delapan) hari cap pos sejak diumumkan dan ditujukan kepada :

Kepada Yth :
Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika
Up. Ketua Panitia Penerimaan CPNS TA 2007
Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika

a. PO. BOX 1034 JKP 10010 - untuk wilayah test I Jakarta
b. PO. BOX 3000 YK 55000 - untuk wilayah test II Yogyakarta
c. PO. BOX 1053 Medan - untuk wilayah test III Medan
d. PO. BOX 1179 U.P 90000 - untuk wilayah test IV Makasar
e. PO. BOX 3835 Denpasar - untuk wilayah test V Denpasar
f. PO. BOX 303 Balikpapan - untuk wilayah test VI Balikpapan

Bagi peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi, akan diumumkan melalui website Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika www.depkominfo.go.id pada tanggal 25 Nopember 2007.

Selanjutnya untuk dapat mengikuti tes maka pelamar harus memiliki tanda peserta tes dengan mencetak (print out) melalui website www.depkominfo.go.id yang merupakan tanda peserta tes yang sah.


a. Tes tertulis akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di 6 (enam) wilayah tes pada tanggal 28 November 2007;

b. Pelamar yang dapat mengikuti tes tertulis adalah yang dapat menunjukkan print out tanda peserta tes yang sah;


a. Tes tertulis berupa tes kompetensi dasar (TKD) meliputi tes pengetahuan umum (TPU), tes bakat skolastik (TBS) dan tes skala kematangan (TSK) serta tes kompetensi bidang (TKB) yaitu tes bahasa inggris;
b. Tes wawancara;
c. Khusus untuk pelamar tingkat SMK/STM tidak ada tes kompetensi bidang (TKB) dan wawancara.


Sistem tes adalah sistem gugur yaitu pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus dan dapat diterima untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika adalah pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus dalam seleksi administrasi, tes tertulis dan wawancara, untuk tingkat pendidikan D-3, D-4, S-1 dan S-2.


a. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus tes tertulis akan diumumkan melalui website Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika www.depkominfo.go.id pada tanggal 9 Desember 2007;
b. Bagi pelamar D-3, D-4, S-1 dan S-2 yang telah dinyatakan lulus tes tertulis harus mengikuti tes wawancara yang akan dilaksanakan secara serentak pada tanggal 14 Desember 2007 di 6 (enam) wilayah tes;
c. Hasil akhir penerimaan CPNS Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika akan diumumkan pada tanggal 17 Desember 2007 melalui website Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika www.depkominfo.go.id, www.bipnewsroom.info dan www.postel.go.id
d. Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


Jumlah formasi yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 204 orang dengan jabatan, kualifikasi pendidikan dan wilayah tes sebagai berikut :

a. Wilayah Test I di Jakarta (meliputi : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten, Lampung) jumlah formasi 125 orang dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut :

1 2 3 4
1 Perencana S1.Manajemen Kebijakan Publik 1
2 Analis Anggaran S1. Ekonomi Keuangan Negara
S1. Komputer Akutansi
S1. Ekonomi Manajemen
S1. Ekonomi Akutansi
D3. Akutansi 1
3 Pengadministrasi Keuangan S1. Manajemen 1
4 Database Administrator S1. Teknik Komputer
S1. Teknik Informatika
S1. Teknik Elektro
S1. Statistik
S1. Teknologi Informasi
D3. Komputer
D3. Manajemen Informatika 3
5 Analis Kepegawaian S1. Manajemen SDM
S1. Administrasi Negara 1
6 Analis Organisasi dan Tatalaksana S1. Hukum Perdata 1
7 Penelaah Mutu dan Barang S1. Akutansi 1
8 Operator Komputer D3. Komputer 2
9 Arsiparis S1. Kearsipan 1
10 Paramedis S1. Kedokteran Umum 2
11 Analis Peraturan Perundang Undangan S1. Hukum Perdata
S1. Ekonomi
S1. Hubungan Internasional 1
12 Programer S1. T. Informatika
S1. Komputer 2
13 Network System Engineer S1. Komputer 1
14 Pranata Humas S1. Komunikasi / Humas 2
15 Analis Kebutuhan Diklat S1. Pendidikan 1
16 Auditor S1. Hukum Perdata
S1. Akutansi Sektor Publik
S1. Teknologi Informasi
S1. Ekonomi Manajemen
S1. Hukum Pidana/Cyber Law 1
17 Pengumpul dan pengolah data evaluasi dan pelaporan S1. Ekonomi 2
18 Pengumpul dan pengolah data jaringan telekomunikasi S1. Hukum
D3. Elektro 2
19 Pengumpul dan pengolah data standar teknik S1. Elektro / Telekomunkasi
D3. Elektro

20 Pengumpul dan pengolah data informasi dan standarisasi S1. Sastra Inggris 1
21 Teknisi perangkat monitoring frekuensi S1. Elektro
D3. Elektro 2
22 Pengevaluasi hasil monitoring frekuensi S1. Elektro
D3. Elektro 4
23 Teknisi perangkat radio D3. Elektro 3

24 Analis perencana dan program S1. Ekonomi Akutansi
S1. Administrasi Negara
S1. Komunikasi
S1. Hukum
S1. Desain Grafis/Kom.Visual 3
25 Analis kerjasama profesi S1. Hukum Perdata
S1. Hukum Pidana 1
26 Peneliti Komunikasi dan Informatika S1. Teknologi Informasi
S1. Teknologi Telekomunikasi
S1. Statistik
S1. Teknik Elektro
S1. Ekonomi Manajemen
S1. Jurnalistik
S1. Ekonomi Akutansi 6
27 Penterjemah Bahasa Asing S1. Sastra Inggris 3
28 Penyusun Naskah S1. Komunikasi
S1. Humas
S1. Jurnalistik
S1. Komputer
S1. Statistik
S1. Ekonomi Akutansi
S1. sosiologi 5
29 Pemantau Humas S2. Hukum
S2. Ekonomi Pembangunan
S2. ekonomi Bisnis 1
30 Penganalisa kerjasama luar Negeri S1. Fisipol / Hub Internasional

31 Penganalisa Teknis Penyiaran S1 / D4. Broadcast 1
32 Penganalisa Telekomunikasi S1. Elektro / Telekomunikasi 1
33 Penganalisa Sosial/Ekonomi S1. Sosiologi
S1. Ekonomi 1
34 Pemelihara Benda Koleksi S1. Sejarah / Museumulogi 1

35 Konservasi/ Restorasi S1. Sosiolgi 1

b. Wilayah Test II di Yogyakarta (meliputi : Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur) jumlah formasi 17 orang dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut :

1 2 3 4
1 Teknisi Perangkat Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 2
2 Pengevaluasi Hasil Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 1
3 Operator Komputer D3 Manajemen Informatika
STM Elektro 1
4 Peneliti Komunikasi dan Informatika S.1 Teknologi Informasi
S.1 Teknik Elektro 2
5 Analis Perencana dan Program S.1 Teknologi Informasi
S.1 Teknik Elektro
S.1 Desain Komunikasi Visual
S.1 / D.4 Bidang Penyiaran 1

c. Wilayah Test III Medan (meliputi : NAD, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Riau, Kepri, Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, Jambi, dan Sumatera Selatan) jumlah formasi 22 orang dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut :

1 2 3 4
1 Teknisi Perangkat Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 3
2 Pengevaluasi Hasil Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 2
3 Operator Perangkat Monitoring D.3 Elektro 2
4 Operator Komputer STM Elektro 1
5 Teknisi Perangkat Radio D.3 Elektro
STM Elektro 3
6 Peneliti Komunikasi dan Informatika S.1 Teknologi Informasi
S.1 Teknik Elektro 1

d. Wilayah Test IV Makasar (meliputi : Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Barat, Gorontalo, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Jayapura) jumlah formasi 24 orang dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut:

1 2 3 4
1 Teknisi Perangkat Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 1
2 Pengevaluasi Hasil Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 1
3 Operator Perangkat Monitoring D.3 Elekro
STM Elektro 4
4 Teknisi Perangkat Radio D.3 Elekro 3
5 Operator Komputer STM Elektro 2
6 Peneliti Komunikasi dan Informatika S.1 Teknologi Informasi
S.1 Teknik Elektro
S1 Komputer 3

e. Wilayah Test V Denpasar (meliputi : Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur) jumlah formasi 6 orang dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut:

1 2 3 4
1 Teknisi Perangkat Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 1
2 Pengevaluasi Hasil Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 1
3 Operator Perangkat Monitoring D.3 Elektro 1
4 Teknisi Perangkat Radio STM Elektro 1

f. Wilayah Test VI Balikpapan (meliputi : Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah) jumlah formasi yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 10 orang dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut:

1 2 3 4
1 Teknisi Perangkat Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 1
2 Pengevaluasi Hasil Monitoring Frekuensi S.1 Elektro
D.3 Elektro 1
3 Operator Perangkat Monitoring D.3 Elektro 3
4 Peneliti Komunikasi dan Informatika S.1 Teknologi Informasi

5 Analis Perencana dan Program S.1 Ekonomi Akuntansi 1

Jakarta, 1 Nopember 2007



NIP. 050012431

Sabtu, 03 November 2007


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

PT. Bank Commonwealth, a subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), is going to become the best financial service provider in the market. Currently, we are providing you with the opportunities to attain the business knowledge, skills and experience of various positions in the bank.

Your positions….

Explore our world of opportunities and learn some of the best and brightest in our industry. Find out which aspects of our business will most interest you and where you would like to build a career. You achievements are recognized and rewarded from the moment you join with our team. Come and join our…


Our Requirement… :
* Bachelor or Master degree, in Accounting/Commerce, Finance, Economics or Law with an outstanding GPA (GPA>3.00 of scale 4.00)

* Fresh Graduate and preferably overseas graduates

* Indonesian Citizen

* Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, customer focus, sound analytical skills and commitment to a professional banker

* Strong team players, high achievers, people oriented with a strong customer focus, keen to learn, effective problem solvers, proactive and prepared to initiate improvements

* Computer Literate

* Proficient in English

Send your comprehensive CV and academic transcript to :

Email : gdp@commbank.co.id

(Subject: GDP)


P.O.BOX 8367 JKSMP, Jakarta 12083

(Code: GDP - upper left corner of the envelope)

Closing date for the applications: November 30,2007

Kamis, 01 November 2007


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :



Badan Standardisasi Nasional sebagai Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen (LPND), yang mempunyai tugas di bidang Standardisasi pada Tahun 2007 memberi kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk menjadi pegawai BSN melalui Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II Tahun 2007 dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

Informasi Lebih lengkap Silahkan Download File

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2007

Job Vacancy PHP & MySQL Programmer

Auditsi is an international human capital solutions company that offers:

* Executive Search
* Advertised Selection and
* Contract Staffing

to clients in both traditional and technology sectors, we serve a wide range of clients – from some of world’s largest multinational corporations, energy, banks to hi-tech startups.

If you have what it takes to be part of a team working in fast–moving and exhilarating world of media both printed and online, our client now have the following vacancy:

PHP & MySQL Programmer


Our Client a multi-national company is looking for a Senior Programmer that will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and support of PHP-based applications developed by the company.

The incumbent will be responsible for development of new applications and providing regular updates of the development projects.


Programming and maintaining applications in a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) environment.


* More than four years of professional development experience
* Strong discipline in object oriented design and design patterns.
* The proven ability to develop in a Linux or Unix environment.
* Experience and proficiency with PHP or DHTML and other rich internet interactivity techniques
* Experience and proficiency in database environments with design and tuning, especially MySQL
* The ability to write clean, well-documented code
* The ability to work on multiple concurrent projects is essential
* Strong self motivation and the ability to work with minimal supervision
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills


* University degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent work experience
* Working knowledge of Perl, Flash, CSS, DHTML, RSS, XML, JavaScript, or revision control considered a strong plus
* Linux system administration


Attractive remuneration package will be offered to successful candidate, starting salary will depend on experience and capabilities.

Otherwise submit your resume and recent photograph, in strict confidence, to :


or else apply online using the Quick Apply link below.
(We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified)

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2007


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity. Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

In order to support our expanding business as one of the premier retail bank, we invite and enthusiast individuals to fill the following position :

Secretary (code : SEC)

She will responsible for an administrative & Secretarial duties

Qualification :

* Education min D3, graduate from academy secretary

* Age maximum 28 years old

* Female, good looking

* Fluent in English (Oral & written)

* Have minimum 1 years experience as Secretary

* Have good communication skill

In return, an attractive remuneration and benefit package is offered.
Please send your application, detailed CV, and recent photograph to ( Preferably attach photograph) :

Jakarta Regional Human Resources
Jl. Gajah Mada No. 18 Jakarta Pusat 10130
Email : recruit@bniaga.co.id

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Sanken Indonesia is a Japan Multi National Company. We are producing Power Supply in worldwide customer.
Due to our strengthen human resource, we need professional staf who posses dynamic, trusty , openminded, innovative and high energy level to join our growing team as :


General Requirements :

* Male, age 28-32 years old
* Min D-3 from reputable university with GPA 3.0 or more

* Minimum 3 years experience as Supervisor in Multi National company is advantage

* Good communication skill, teamwork, initiative,hardworking,have strong leadership and result oriented

* Self motivated and able to work under high pressure

* Good computer skills, familiar with MRP System

* English is a must, Japanese will be advantage

HRD Department
PT Istana Argo Kencana (SANKEN)
Jl. Pluit Raya no. 19 / B10
Fax. 62-21-6626484

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007

Lowongan Kerja Bank HSBC

HSBC is one of the world�s leading financial services organizations, with over 9,500 offices in 79 countries and territories. Besides being recognized globally, HSBC has also been named the Best Foreign Bank in Indonesia (FinanceAsia Magazine) for seven consecutive years. HSBC is an organization that promotes diversity and equal employment opportunities, and implements meritocracy in the work place.

1. Assistant Manager Portfolio Analytics
2. Credit Officer CF (COCF Jabodetabek)
3. Relationship Staff � CF (RSCF Jabodetabek)
4. Sales Officer CF (SOCF Jabodetabek)
5. Staff Sales and Marketing - Business Unit Banking

1. Assistant Manager Portfolio Analytics

Job Description :

* To develop and give recommendationi in risk and portfolio management strategies to assist business.

Requirements :

* Bachelor degree preferably in Finance, Commerce or Statistics.
* Possess minimum 3 year experiences in risk management.
* Possess strong knowledge in credit processing systems.
* Possess strong knowledge of risk management tools and techniques.
* Have good communication skills both written and spoken in English.
* Have good understanding and interpretation of financials, statistics and analytics.
* Having strong knowledge in database and programming language are advantageous (eg. SAS, Visual Basic).
* Must demonstrate high degree of integrity.

2. Credit Officer CF (COCF Jabodetabek)

Specific Requirements :

* Reporting to Regional Credit Manager, the incumbent will supervise the processing of Consumer Finance loan applications and be responsible for the overall portfolio quality of the branch
* Must have a minimum of 2 years� experience as a credit analyst in micro-banking loans
* Must demonstrate good analytical, strong leadership, and interpersonal skills

General Requirements :

* Bachelor�s or Master�s degree from a reputable university
* Must have a good command of both spoken and written English
* Must have commercial acumen, personal credibility, a marketing orientation and the drive to succeed
* Must demonstrate a high degree of integrity
* Willing to be stationed in Regencies (Kabupaten) at Jabodetabek

3. Relationship Staff � CF (RSCF Jabodetabek)

General Requirements :

* Reporting to Branch Manager � Consumer Finance HSBC, the incumbent will interact day by day with the customers in finding out the customers profile prior to process the application
* 1 year of experience in consumer banking or multifinancing is an advantage
* Good analytical and interpersonal skills
* Strong Customer service skills and attention to detail
* Bachelor degree or Master degree from a reputable university
* Good command of both spoken and written English
* Commercial acumen, marketing orientation and drive to succeed with personal credibility
* Demonstrate a high degree of integrity

4. Sales Officer CF (SOCF Jabodetabek)

General Requirements :

* Reporting to Branch Manager � Consumer Finance HSBC, the incumbent will be responsible to lead and drive direct sales team to achieve branch sales target
* Minimum 2 years of experience in direct sales force management, preferably in financial/banking institution, insurance or retail industry
* Strong leadership, communication and interpersonal skills
* Bachelor degree or Master degree from a reputable university
* Good command of both spoken and written English
* Commercial acumen, marketing orientation and drive to succeed with personal credibility
* Demonstrate a high degree of integrity

5. Staff Sales and Marketing - Business Unit Banking

Requirements :

* Bachelor degree in any related discipline from a reputable university
* Have at least 2 - 3 year experiences in sales management, preferably from banking or other financial service industries
* Have good knowledge of banking products (Trade Finance, Cash Management, Investment, Treasury Dealing)
* Have excellent interpersonal skills
* Is a self-driven individual with a passion for sales and self-motivated
* Proficiency in English is a must in both verbal and written

Please mark the position applied on the left top corner of the envelope. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No telephone queries will be entertained. The application should be received within 10 days and send to : human-resources@hsbc.co.id

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2007

Lowongan Kerja PT Smart Telecom

We are a promising start-up mobile phone operator in Indonesia with nationwide CDMA license. We invite you to join the challenging and rewarding opportunities that we will provide.

1. Administration Staff in Denpasar
2. Intercarrier Relation Spv
3. Intercarrier Relation Dept. Head
4. Provisioning and Mediation Specialist
5. Regulatory Dept Head
6. Provisioning & Preactivation Staff
7. PPIC Administration Staff
8. Production Planning Staff
9. Logistic Material Staff

1. Administration Staff in Denpasar (Bali - Denpasar)


* Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree (D3) in any field from reputable university.
* Have minimum 1 year experience as administration staff, resepsionis, secretary.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Denpasar.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Full-Time positions available.

2. Regulatory Dept Head (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Bachelor Degree in any related field from reputable University.
* Age max. 45 years old
* Minimum 3 years of working experience in Government Relation, preferred work related in telecommunication sector (with 10 years of total work experience).
* Mastering how to handle government official and to negotiate with government body.
* Knowing principle or basic relation and cooperation with government body, prefer with government telecommunication body.
* Knowing the regulation in telecommunication sector (Law, Government degree, Ministry degree, etc.)
* Open mind and flexible.
* Good planning, project & Team management skill.
* Good communications skill, Good in English, understanding, speaking, reading and writing.
* Ability to work under pressure.
* Creative, able to come up with solutions by thinking out-of-the-box.
* Well manner, honest and good character.

3. Intercarrier Relation Dept. Head
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Minimum Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from reputable university.
* Age max. 45 years old.
* Minimum 3 years experience in Telecommunication Provider, majoring in Inter Carrier Relation or Interconnection department (with 10 years of total work experience).
* Required skill(s): GSM/CDMA Network Architecture, MS Access/MySQL/Oracle/other Database Application.
* Master the basic interconnect principle and interconnect business.
* Master interconnecting network transport, numbering, routing, signaling, point of interconnection (POI), point of charge (POC).
* Interconnect pricing and charging.
* Inter-provider DPI and agreement content.
* Circuit dimensioning and key Performance Indicator.
* Call scenario and traffic measurements (CDR management).
* Good planning, project & Team management skill.
* Good communications skill, Good in English, understanding, speaking, reading and writing.
* Ability to work under pressure.
* Creative, able to come up with solutions by thinking out-of-the-box.
* Well manner, honest and good character.

4. Intercarrier Relation Spv
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Technique
* Age max. 35 years old
* Minimum 1 year in Telecommunication Provider, majoring in Interconnection department or 2 years in Telecommunication Provider in operation department.
* Knowing the basic interconnect principle
* Knowing interconnect network and circuit dimensioning
* Knowing basic principle of routing, signaling, POI and POC
* Work hard and smart
* Fast learner and want to learn particularly in telecommunication aspect
* Good planning, project & Team management skill
* Good communications skill, Good in English, understanding, speaking, reading and writing
* Ability to work under pressure
* Creative, able to come up with solutions by thinking out-of-the-box.
* Well manner, honest and good character

5. Provisioning and Mediation Specialist
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Daily operation, fine tuning and troubleshooting for provisioning & mediation problem.
* Configure, test and document provisioning & mediation system for any changes to the business logic.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor�s Degree in engineering (Computer/Telecommunication/electrical) or equivalent.
* At least 3 years of working experience in handling provisioning or mediation system is required for this position.
* Good knowledge in PL/SQL, Oracle.
* Good knowledge and experience in programming is preferable.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Full-Time positions available.

6. Provisioning & Preactivation Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor�s Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) or equivalent.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in operating billing system application (CRM) from telco industry is required for this position.
* Has ability to operate computer programs such as SQL, Ms. Access.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Detail & meticulous type.
* Good to work in underpressure environment.
* Full-Time positions available.

7. PPIC Administration Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Collect all data from other section and make a record.
* Mapping all incoming and outgoing goods.


* Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree (D3) in any related field.
* Female, age 22 to 26 years old
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
* At least 1 year experience in related field.
* Can operate basic MS Office and have good communication skills
* Fluent in English (oral and writing), min passive
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Full-Time positions available.

8. Production Planning Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Receiving request from requestor or sales forecast.
* Prepare all data for production.
* Monitoring all raw materials for production and make sure the buffer stock of raw materials is enough for the production until next arrival.
* Monitoring all finish goods in central warehouse and make sure the quantity is enough for the next delivery plan.
* Monitoring the buffer stock for each RBO, BO and SBO for all region.
* Check the status of additional subscriber from pre-activated to personalized.
* Give all the data to PPIC admin for record.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor�s Degree in Engineering (Industrial) or equivalent.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Male, age max 28 years old.
* Fluent in English (oral and writing) is a must .
* Have strong analytical method.
* Have good knowledge at PPIC management.
* Advanced computer skills and communication skills.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Full-Time positions available.

9. Logistic Material Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor�s Degree in Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Industrial) or equivalent.
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in handling telco logistic Material from telco industry is required for this position.
* Familiar with Microsoft Office application (Ms.Excel, Ms.Word, Ms. Power Point).
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Full-Time positions available.

Please send your detailed resume and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your email to: recruitment@smart-telecom.co.id

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2007

Lowongan Kerja di Liberty Brandkast

Sales Freelance

Persyaratan :

  • Berpengalaman di bidang sales dan marketing
  • Mempunyai skill Negosiasi, Presentasi dan komunikasi baik
  • Berkepribadian menarik, jujur, tanggung Jawab dan teliti
  • Mempunyai Kendaraan pribadi dan SIM C
  • Domisili Jakarta

Kualifikasi :

Jenis Kelamin : Diabaikan
Umur : Maks. 35 tahun
Pendidikan : Pendidikan minimal SMA

Kirimkan CV anda ke admin@liberty-brandkast.com

Bagi yang memenuhi syarat akan dikabarkan melalui email

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

Lowongan Kerja di PT Sejahtera Rodamasa

Dibutuhkan Segera !!!

  • Design Grafis
  • Kurir
  • Supervisor Konter ( Spv )
  • Pengiriman/ Logistik (Log)
  • SPG/B ( Sales Promotion Girl/boy) Konter dan Toko

Design Grafis


� Pria, Umur Min. 28 Th
� Pengalaman minimal 1 th./ Fresh Graduated
� Pendidikan minimal D � 3
� Bahasa inggris dan komputer
� Tanggung Jawab dan teliti



� Pria, Umur Min. 28 Th
� Pengalaman minimal 1 th. Mengenal area JABODETABEK
� Mempunyai Kendaraan Sendiri. ( Motor)
� Suka Kerja kers dan tanggung jawab

Supervisor Konter ( Spv )

Tanggung jawab Utama: Meningkatkan kinerja konter � konter yang ada di departemen Store


� Pria, Umur Min. 28 Th
� Pengalaman minimal 1 th. Memimpin SPG/B
� Pendidikan minimal D � 3
� Bahasa inggris dan komputer
� Mempunyai wawasan mengenai bidang keramik
� Pengalaman berhubungan dengan buyer department store
� Mempunyai skill Negosiasi, Presentasi dan komunikasi baik

Pengiriman/ Logistik (Log)

Tanggung jawab Utama: bertanggung jawab atas proses Pengirman/ delivery Barang perusahaan


� Pria, Umur Min. 35 Th
� Pengalaman minimal 2 th
� Pendidikan minimal D � 3/ STMT
� Bahasa inggris min. Pasif
� Mengetahui Kondisi Jalan � jalan di JABODETABEK

SPG/B ( Sales Promotion Girl/boy) Konter dan Toko


� Tinggi badan Min. 158 cm ( SPG), 168 ( SPB )
� Pria/ Wanita umur 18 � 25 th
� Diutamakan domisili di wilayah Jakarta

Yang tidak memenuhi kriteria mohon tidak melamar. Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 10 hari dan ditujukan ke :

Jl. Agung Timur IX No. 7 � 9, Sunter Agung Podomoro Blok. O � 1
Sunter - Jakarta Utara 14350
E � mail : raymond@sejahtera-rodamasa.co.id

Senin, 01 Oktober 2007

Lowongan Contract Administrator

HR Consultant seeking for qualified candidates with the following position which will be placed at Cilandak Commercial Estates Co.:

Contract Administrator/Tender


- Female
- 2 years Experiences in the same field
- Capability in Maintain Document Tender
- Highly Motivated person

Please send your details CV with the job description & Latest Photograph at bella@erocopetronesia.com

Lowongan Kerja Hotel Crowne Plaza

Crowne Plaza Jakarta wants to hire:

1. Human Resource Manager
2. Sales Manager
3. Public Relation Manager
4. Bar and Lounge Manager
5. Assistant Front Office Manager
6. Greeter
7. Waitress
8. Front Desk Agent
9. Telephone Operator
10. Crowne Ambassador (Club Floor Guest Relation)
11. Door girl
12. Room Attendant

General Requirement & Qualification:

1. Bachelor or Diploma III graduates
2. Minimum 2 years experience in similar position
3. Experience in 4 or 5 star hotel
4. Self motivated and target oriented
5. Mastering in computer & well knowledge in hotel system (Lanmark) is a plus
6. Possesses strong communication skill
7. Capable in training, facilitating, leading & developing team/people
8. Fluent in English
9. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply ( No. 6, 9, 11 and 12 )

Please send your application & CV in English together with your recent photograph to :

HR Manager of Crowne Plaza Jakarta
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 2-3
Jakarta 12930

Minggu, 30 September 2007

Pacific Oil & Gas; Procurement/ Logistic Staff

Lowongan kerja migas: September 27, 2007 - October / Oktober 11, 2007

Pacific Oil & Gas is a company committed to energy resource development in Asia. The company is focused on the development of integrated and cost-competitive energy supply chains which include upstream development and investment, LNG plants, transportation, receiving terminals, power generation plants and downstream gas transmission networks and facilities.
For further information, please refer to www.po-and-g.com

Procurement/Logistic Staff

To assist the bidding and procurement process in Perlak activities

To ensure the required project item are available and the procurement/ bidding process comply with BP Migas regulation

Job Role:
- To prepare all forms for each bidding process
- To prepare payment process
- To prepare weekly report to SCM Coordinator
- To prepare ITB documents

- Must have BP Migas certification for SCM
- Must have experience in Oil & Gas industry, especially in upstream business
- Business understanding Procurement System
- Willing to traveling as project required
- Bachelor in Engineering/ Economic is preferably

Please address complete resume with subject title “Logistic” under MS Word format ONLY, less than 50kb, to: hrd@po-and-g.com

Jumat, 28 September 2007

Pacific Oil & Gas; Procurement/ Logistic Staff

Lowongan kerja migas: September 27, 2007 - October / Oktober 11, 2007

Pacific Oil & Gas is a company committed to energy resource development in Asia. The company is focused on the development of integrated and cost-competitive energy supply chains which include upstream development and investment, LNG plants, transportation, receiving terminals, power generation plants and downstream gas transmission networks and facilities.
For further information, please refer to www.po-and-g.com

Procurement/Logistic Staff

To assist the bidding and procurement process in Perlak activities

To ensure the required project item are available and the procurement/ bidding process comply with BP Migas regulation

Job Role:
- To prepare all forms for each bidding process
- To prepare payment process
- To prepare weekly report to SCM Coordinator
- To prepare ITB documents

- Must have BP Migas certification for SCM
- Must have experience in Oil & Gas industry, especially in upstream business
- Business understanding Procurement System
- Willing to traveling as project required
- Bachelor in Engineering/ Economic is preferably

Please address complete resume with subject title “Logistic” under MS Word format ONLY, less than 50kb, to: hrd@po-and-g.com

Rabu, 26 September 2007

Lowongan Recruitment Officer - Bank Danamon Indonesia

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.


Membuka kesempatan kepada profesional muda yang berjiwa dinamis, ulet dan kreatif untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama kami melakukan tugas full time project sebagai :

( Kode Posisi : PSIKOLOG )

  • Pendidikan min. S1 Profesi Psikologi dari universitas terkemuka baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, usia max. 30 tahun

  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang recruitment & assessment center, berpenampilan menarik, mampu berkomunikasi dan bekerjasama dalam tim, mampu berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulis.

surat lamaran + curriculum vitae ( harap mencantumkan IPK terakhir ) + pasfoto berwarna dengan kode jabatan pada subject e-mail ke :


Hanya calon yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan diproses.

Tidak perlu menyertakan Ijazah + transkrip nilai + sertifikat lainnya pada tahap ini.

Proses seleksi akan dilakukan oleh
Human Resources Team � PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
dan tidak menggunakan bantuan pihak ke tiga.

Senin, 24 September 2007

Lowongan Kerja di PT Dairyland Indonesia

PT Dairyland Indonesia is a fast-growing company who initiates dairy product innovations through reflective thinking and encourage consumers to have better life quality by providing right nutritious dairy product.

We are urgently looking for some dynamic and self-motivated candidates to join our team as:

1. Accounting Staff (ACCS)
2. Area Coordinator (ARC)
3. Medical Representative � Jakarta (MR-JKT)

1. Accounting Staff (ACCS)

� Male, max. 28 years old
� Min. D3 Accounting fresh graduate from reputable university with min. GPA 3.0
� Understands cost accounting, budgeting, and tax regulation
� Good verbal, oral, and written communication skill in Indonesian and English language (min. passive English)
� Proven ability to work independently with a high level of self-motivation and initiative
� Familiar with ACCPAC application program will be an advantage

2. Area Coordinator (ARC)

� This position is for junior supervisor level
� Male/Female, max 30 years old
� To be placed in Bali, Palembang, and Balikpapan
� Lives and familiar with his/her area of placement
� Min. D3 degree in any discipline
� Possess a valid driver�s license (SIM A & C), preferably has own vehicle
� Min 3 years experience as Area Coordinator and 2 years experience in handling key accounts
� Experienced in leading a team of min. 10 Sales Promotion Girls/Boys
� Excellent analytical, communication, interpersonal and leadership skill

3. Medical Representative � Jakarta (MR-JKT)

� Lives and familiar with Jakarta area
� Male, max 27 years old
� Min. S1 degree in any discipline
� Possess a valid driver�s license (SIM A & C), preferably has own vehicle
� Min 1 year experience in the same position with reputable pharmaceutical company/nutritional business
� Strong drive, interpersonal and communication skill

Please submit your complete resume to the address below. State the code of the position as the subject of your application.

Human Resources Department
PT Dairyland Indonesia
Wisma Pondok Indah 2, 11th Fl. Suite 1103
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Jakarta 12310
Email : recruitment@dairyland.co.id

Only short listed candidate will be notified.

ABB; various positions

Batas pengajuan lamaran kerja: September 22, 2007 - Oktober/ October 06, 2007

ABB (www.abb.com) is a leader in power end automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in arround 100 countries and employs about 111.000 people. In Indonesia, ABB has offices in six locations around the country to ensure nationwide presence. As part of its growing plan, ABB is looking for the young and dynamic people who are ready to accept the challenges and be part of the winning team.

Sales & Marketing Manager - LV Products - 1 position


• Report to Division Manager
• Lead day to day sales activity in specific market area responsibility
• Focus on sales achievement in each market area
• Make plan and deliver commitment of sales budget, sales planning and execute sales activity
• Interact and deal with all production units in Group
• Ensure profitable sales growth with extensive industrial marketing activities


• Min. Bachelor Degree of Electrical & Control Engineering from reputable university (MBA is preferable)
• More than 5 years experience in managerial of sales for Low Voltage Products, i.e. line protection devices, control products, plug & socket, wiring accessories
• Team player, able to work under pressure
• Experience to work with Sales plan in SAP (implementation of CRM and SD Modules) will be an advantage
• Well proven sales record with technical and interpersonal skills
• Capability to lead & manage sales team
• Effective communication and presentation skills
• Strong analytical skills and developing effective working relationships

Product Marketing & Merchandiser of LV Products (PMM - LV) - 1 position
Channel Partner and Marketing Manager (CPMM) - 1 position

Responsibilities for PMM - LV

• Report to Sales & Marketing Manager
• Do product management for complete ABB LV Components Products portfolio
• Maintain and document pricing and discount policy
• Plan and execute promotional and marketing activities
• Conduct market survey and market intelligence on demand and on regular basis
• Develop and implement e-marketing concept

Responsibilities for CPMM

• Report to Division Manager
• Handle, develop and monitor all progress of channel partners in coordination with product managers
• Implement channel partner & product policy to channel partners
• Give feedback to product managers about market situation
• Associate with Marketing Manager in Marketing communication & Marketing Intelligent
• Active promoting cross-selling in existing channel partners
• Active monitoring channel partners achievements and liaise with product managers to push CP performance
• Make monthly progress report


• Min. Bachelor Degree from reputable university
• More than 5 years experience in Industrial/ Retail Marketing
• Hands-on and hardworking persons
• Experience to work with sales plan in SAP (implementation of CRM and SD Modules) will be an advantage
• Good in statistical and analytical skills
• Effective communication and presentation skills
• Strong analytical skills and developing effective working relationships

Senior Sales Engineers - Machines & Motors (SSE-MM)/ Sales Engineer (SE-MM) – 2 positions
Senior Sales Engineers - Instrumentation (SSE-I)/ Sales Engineer (SE-I) - 3 positions
Senior Sales Engineers - LV Products (SSE-LVP)/ Sales Engineer (SE-LVP) - 3 positions
Sales Engineer - Components LV Drives (SE-LVD) - 1 position
Service Sales Engineers - LV System (SSE-LVS) - 1 position


• Report to Business Units Managers or Product Managers
• Liaise with Local Product Management (Business Unit) team or be part of Product Management Team to spearhead the entire sales cycle, from develop business and market strategy, presentation, pricing and costing, negotiation and close the deal.
• Project pursue, lead day to day sales activity in specific market area responsibility
• Work with sales budget planning as individual and team, planning and execute sales activity and sales reporting
• Self-driven for project pursuit, lead day to day sales activity in specific market area responsibility
• Work, supervise and drive channel partners to perform

Requirements for SSE-MM/ SE-MM

• Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or related discipline from reputable university
• Related experience min. 1 year (SE-MM) or 5 years (SSE-MM)
• Hands on experience in handling electrical rotating machines equipments (LV/ MV)
• Relevant experience to work with industry in P&P, Oil & Gas, Minerals, F&B industries or OEM (pump & fans)
• Having experience with pump or fan fabricator or having knowledge of solution based selling techniques will be advantage

Requirements for SSE-I/ SE-I

• Bachelor Degree in Instrumentation/ Electronics Engineering from reputable university
• 3-5 years (SE-I) or 5-7 years (SSE-I) of work experience in Field Instrumentation and Gas analyzer sales
• Well proven sales record in Process Industry (Pulp & Paper, Power, Water, Oil & Gas)
• Well proven technical and interpersonal skills - capability to lead & manage sales team, effective communication & strong analytical skills and developing effective working relationships.
• Relevant experience to work with industry in Water, Power Utilities or CPO processing

Requirements for SSE-LVP/ SE-LVP/ SE-LVD

• Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or related discipline from reputable university
• 3-5 years (SE-LVP/ SE-LVD) or 5-7 years (SSE-LVP) of work experience
• Familiar with LV product range (such as: line protection devices, plug & socket, switches and electrical wiring accessories)
• Have a good passion as sales with interpersonal skills
• Relevant experience to work with consultant specifier, contractors, panel builders, OEM (fan, pump, heat exchanger, system integrator), Distributors & Dealers

Requirements for SSE-LVS

• Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or related discipline from reputable university
• Related experience with service of LV System for more than 3 years

Senior Service Engineers Instrumentation (SSV-I)/ Service Engineer (SV-I) - 2 positions
Senior Service Engineers Drives & Power Electronics (SSV-DP) / Service Engineer (SV-DP) - 1 position


• Report to Business Unit Managers/ Service Responsible
• Commisioning, troubleshooting.and technical advising in customers installation
• Responsible for all Technical aspect for all Instrumentation (S/SV-I) or Drives & Power Electronics (S/SV-DP) products
• Conduct technical training for customers
• Provide solution for product implementation in automation
• Make service report & follow up actions
• Ready for assignment as resident engineer at customer site for long term contract if required


• Bachelor Degree in Instrumentation/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering, or Diploma in Polytechnic with solid experiences
• 5-7 years (SSV-I) or 3-5 years (SV-I) of work experience in instrumentation; knowledge about Gas Analyzer as well is advantage
• 5-7 years (SSV-DP) in drives application/service, fresh graduate with GPA > 3.5 and willingness to learn is welcome (SV-DP)
• Well proven technical and interpersonal skills – capability
• Good communication and proposal writing skills
• Service orientation with business sense
• Familiar with Process Industry (Pulp & Paper, Power, Water, Oil & Gas) is an advantage

Support Engineers Control & EIB (SV-CE) - 1 position


• Report to Electrical Wiring Accessories Product Manager
• Support presales activities for commercial sales team of EIB or industrial sales team of control products (PLC)
• Provide solution for product implementation in building/ industrial automation
• Commisioning, troubleshooting and technical advising in customers installation
• Conduct technical training for customers
• Make service report & follow up actions


• Bachelor Degree in Instrumentation/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering, or Diploma in Polytechnic with solid experiences
• Relevant experience is preferred but fresh Graduate with GPA> 3.5 is welcome
• Well proven technical and interpersonal skills – capability
• Good communication and proposal writing skills
• Service orientation with business sense

Sales Support (SS) - 1 position


• Support sales in doing order processing and sales administration


• Bachelor Degree in Administration
• Relevant experience is preferred but fresh Graduate with GPA > 3.5 is welcome
• Well proven technical and interpersonal skills – capability
• Good communication and proposal writing skills
• Service orientation with business sense
• Proactive, aggressive and team player
• Resourceful, innovative, dynamic individual who is able to work well under pressure
• Proficient in English is a must, other language is additional advantage
• Willing to do extensive travels

GA Officer - 1 position

Responsible for maintenance of the office/factory building and its infrastructure.


• Male, 28-35 years old
• Minimum bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or Electrical
• Familiar with MS Office & MS Project, understand project budgeting, and able to prepare comprehensive progress report on a project
• Dynamic, mature, hardworking and honest
• Craftmanship will be an advantage

People from other major cities than Jakarta (Aceh, Medan, Batam, Palembang, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Makassar, Denpasar) who meets with requirements criteria is encourage to apply.

Only shortlisted candidates will be considered.

HR Department - ABB Indonesia
Wisma Metropolitan II, 8th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta 12920

Sabtu, 22 September 2007

Qatargas Operating Company; 2 positions

Qatargas Operating Company has exciting opportunities available for qualified professionals to join our company in the development of the vast North Field in Qatar. Qatargas currently has under development over $20 billion worth of major projects, including the construction of four new Liquefied Natural Gas trains for the production and export of LNG to every corner of the globe.

Both these positions are regarded as crucial part of the command structure, and officers will be expected to respond and take command role on an incident scene when requested by the Chief Fire Officer. In the absence of the Chief Fire Officer; the officers will be expected to act in the position and assumes all duties and responsibility in accordance with the job requirement.

Fire Training Officer

Plan, develop and conduct the fire training programs for all firefighters, company employees and the community.

Fire Protection Officer

Develop, implement and supervise the fire protection and prevention programs. Perform fire code enforcement activities and inspections, for compliance with International fire codes requirements.

Qatargas offers a secure expatriate lifestyle in an international community with educational, medical and recreational facilities, competitive tax free salaries, a full range of benefits, including family or bachelor housing, furnishings and generous paid annual vacation back to your country of origin.

For more information about Qatargas, the expatriate community, benefits and Qatar in general, visit www.qatargas.com

Recruitment is being conducted by Uzma (514669-P) a specialist supplier of personnel in the oil and gas industry. Apply by email attaching a CV giving details of your work experience and qualifications to:


PT Haneagle Nusantara; 2 positions

PT Haneagle Nusantara

If you are energetic, dynamic, and self motivated young people, we would like to invite you to fill the following positions in Balikpapan :

Finance & Accounting Officer

• Female
• Domiciled in Balikpapan
• Minimum 3 years experience in the same position
• Computer literate (MS Office)
• Good command in English both oral and written


• Domiciled in Balikpapan
• Minimum 3 years experience in Heavy Equipment in the same position
• Good command in English both oral and written
• Have capability to interact effectively with customer
• Have capability to analyses marketing opportunity

Should you meet the above qualification and willing to accept new challenge, please send your resume, and recent photograph before 28 September 2007 to:


Lowongan Tax Staff - PT Popindo Selera Prima

An established international fast food chain based in Jakarta requires capable and highly motivated candidates for:

Tax Staff

Requirements :

  • Male.
  • D3/S1 Tax Acc with min GPA 3,0.
  • Max 28 yrs old.
  • Min 2 yrs relevant exp.
  • Good knowledge of tax regulation & negotiation skill.
  • Meticulous & detail.

Please send the application to :

PT Popindo Selera Prima
Human Resources Department
Komp. Green Garden D1 / 1C
Jakarta Barat 11520

Kamis, 20 September 2007

Lowongan Tax Staff - PT Popindo Selera Prima

An established international fast food chain based in Jakarta requires capable and highly motivated candidates for:

Tax Staff

Requirements :

  • Male.
  • D3/S1 Tax Acc with min GPA 3,0.
  • Max 28 yrs old.
  • Min 2 yrs relevant exp.
  • Good knowledge of tax regulation & negotiation skill.
  • Meticulous & detail.

Please send the application to :

PT Popindo Selera Prima
Human Resources Department
Komp. Green Garden D1 / 1C
Jakarta Barat 11520

Web Designer Job Vacancy


General Requirements :

v Min. 2 years experiences

v D3 computer

v Able to speak, understanding in English

v Good interpersonal skill and team player, creative and responsible

v Able to work under pressure

Job Responsibilities :

v Familiar with Lynux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, HTML, Xhtml, CSS,

v Javascript, AJAX

v Familiar with Flash Actionscripting

v Proficiency wit industry-standard design software (e.g. Photoshop, Flash)and Scripts (e.g phpBB, CMS)

v Good understanding of user management, php seseeion management, SSH,

v Basic understanding of information architecture, search engine optimization, usability and accessibility

Those who meet qualifications above are encouraged to apply. Send your latest CV, photo, references to : rkartika@mobiztech.com

Rabu, 19 September 2007

Lowongan Internal Auditor - Bank UOB Indonesia

PT Bank UOB Indonesia is the first Singapore-Indonesia joint venture bank incorporated in Indonesia. UOB Indonesia is 99% owned by United Overseas Bank Group (UOB), one of the largest banking groups in Singapore. The Group has 502 offices in 18 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Western Europe and North America.

Now, the Bank has immediate opportunities for the following positions :

Internal Auditor


  • Based in Jakarta
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
  • Fluent in English, good in MS Office applications
  • Minimum 4 years working experience as internal auditor in banking industry, preferably credit audit
  • Good knowledge about banking system & procedures
  • Willing to travel
  • Good interpersonal skill

Please send the application to: yuli.wong@uobgroup.com . Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

T.D Williamson Asia Pacific; Inside Sales Representative

T.D. Williamson Asia Pacific is an established and reputable Company providing unique specialty services and products to the Oil and Gas Industry, if you meet the requirements, we have an excellent opportunity for you to work as inside Sales Representative to be based in Jakarta, Indonesia

Inside Sales Representative

You Shall be Responsible:

• To answer and register sales enquiries, responding to technical and commercial queries of customers after discussing with the relevant managers.
• To process orders; prepare and submit quotations, tender proposal and invoices in consultation with Sales Team
• To follow-up on customers quotations promptly
• To co-ordinate with Overseas suppliers, regional offices and manufacturing centers in USA
• To assist the Sales team in organizing seminars/ workshops/ exhibitions
• To maintain proper filing and administration of sales orders; customers and sales data, quote log, sales log, incoming & outgoing stocks

You shall be the primary inside contact person for our customers.

You should have:

• Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a reputable institution
• Three (3) years and above of working experience as Inside Sales Representative or Product Support Engineer in Customer Services or Operations Department
• Excellent Interpersonal skills - ability to relate to people of different nationalities and different professions relating to work
• Proficient in MS Office applications especially in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express & Access
• Good command of English in both writing and speaking

Experience working in the Oil & Gas Industry is a definite advantage

If you fit the above requirements and are interested to apply, please submit your full resume within ten (10) days with non-returnable photograph to:

T.D. Williamson Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
4 Tech Park Crescent
Singapore 638128
Fax : (65) 63648521
Email : sohphia.lim@tdwilliamson.com

Senin, 17 September 2007

Lowongan General Affair - Yamaha Motor Manufacturing

Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java is one of largest manufacturing company in Indonesia base in KIIC Karawang, West Java presently seeking a new young talented, initiative, person to fill vacant position as:


General Responsibility:

  • Handling all function of Health, Safety and Environment such as Controlling all equipment of Safety i.e. fire extinguisher, working glove, safety shoes etc.
  • Ensure all license of equipments in factory is constantly updated such as welding certification, forklift driving license etc.
  • All factory production machine keep on organize.
  • Trained all staff related to HSE in working environment.
  • Controlling all electricity installation was not having damage and danger to other employee or environment.


  • Diploma Degree in Mechanical or Technical background.
  • Have experience in Safety, Health and Environment min 2 Years.
  • Have a proven track record in Safety, Health and Environment area.
  • Excellent presentation skill.
  • Good leadership.
  • Detail, process and result oriented, able to work under pressure.

If you have those qualifications above please send us your complete CV to:

Jl Permata I Lot BB1, Kawasan KIIC
Karawang Barat, Karawang



Project Manager

A growing telecommunication company is looking for professional and qualified candidates for:

Project Manager

• Coordinating all the job related with preparing, developing, and implementing the project and Rollout of all the project as per the agreed business plan
• Developing procedures and processes to ensure fault installation and repair times are minimized so that network performance targets are meet
• Ensuring that the daily activities at Project Department consider with Health & Safety Requirements
• Finishing the project documentation in addition to give the report to Finance & Accounting Department in the time frame

• Male/Female
• Age between 28 - 35 years old
• Hold minimum Bachelor (S1) degree in Information Technology or Electrical Engineering or Telecommunication Engineering from reputable university
• Having minimum 2 years experience in doing Ericsson product & installation (Cellular / transmition & BTS Project)
• Dynamic, excellent communication, creative, and interpersonal skills
• Fluency in English both oral & written

Please send your application letter, CV & photograph by post to:
PT Media Intertel Graha
Kompleks D’Best Fatmawati Blok G37-38
JI. RS Fatmawati No.15
Jakarta Selatan 12420
Email to: anggie@k3m.biz & yani@k3m.biz

Sabtu, 15 September 2007


LOWONGAN teknik perusahaan BUMN: 9 POSISI DI PT.ADHI KARYA (Persero),Tbk

An EPC Company, currently seeking a team player, dynamic and highly qualified professional to strengthen the operations team for the following positions:

Instrument Engineer (IE)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in Electronic / Computer Engineering (teknik elektro / komputer) from well known University
* Familiar with International Standard : ISA, API, IEEE, AGA, NFPA, IEC, PUIL, ISO 9000

* Min 5 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 35 years old (for Engineer)

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Senior Process Engineer (SPE)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in Chemical Engineering from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : ASME, ASTM, ANSI, NFPA, API, AGA, ISO 9000

* Min 10 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age 40 years old

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Piping Engineer (PE)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in Mechanical Engineering from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : ASME, ASTM, ANSI, NFPA, API, AGA, ISO 9000

* Min 5 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 35 years old

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Static Engineer (SE)

Job Qualifications:

* - Degree in Mechanical / Metallurgy Engineering from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : ASME, ASTM, ANSI, NFPA, API, AGA, ISO 9000

* Min 5 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 35 years old

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Senior Mechanical Engineer (SME)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in Mechanical (Construction) Engineering from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : ASME, ASTM, ANSI, NFPA, NEC, IEC, ASHRAE, SNI, ISO 9000, SMACNA, PUIL

* Min 10 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 40 years old (for Senior Engineer)

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Senior Civil Engineer (SCE)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in Civil (Structural) Engineering from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : ASME, ASTM, ANSI, NFPA, API, AGA, UBC, ISO 9000

* Min10 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 40 years old

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Project Engineer (Multi disciplines) (PrjE)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in any engineering discipline from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : ASME, ASTM, ANSI, NFPA, API, AGA, IEEE, IEC, ISO 9000, PMBOK

* Min 5 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 35 years old

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Project Control (PC)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in any engineering discipline from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : ISO 9000, Project Management

* Min 5 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 35 years old

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Senior Electrical Engineer (SEE)

Job Qualifications:

* Degree in Electrical (Power) Engineering from well known University

* Familiar with International Standard : IEC, IEEE, NEC, NEMA, NFPA, API, PUIL, ISO 9000

* Min 10 years applicable experience in Oil & Gas plant or Hydrocarbon plant or Fossil power plant .

* Capable to lead several design engineer to conduct basic design and detailed design to support proposal and project

* Age max 40 years old

* Computer literate (Windows, MS Office, MS Project) and high proficiency in related engineering software.

* Fluent in English, written and spoken

Please forward a resume with photograph, stating details of qualification, summary of experience, current and expected salary, contact number, within 10 (ten) days after this advertisement to:



* Please write position title at the right side of your application

* Only short listed candidate will be notified